Disinfection is the process of removing all forms of germs and organisms present in your work environment, home or even the food you eat. germetec.es are organic compounds designed to kill or inactivate bacteria on inert materials such as paper or plastic surfaces. Disinfection is not always effective, especially for bacterial spores; in fact, it is less efficient than ultrasonic sterilization, which uses strong chemical or mechanical methods that kills all forms of living organism. The process works by removing all microorganisms by penetrating the surface area through which it was introduced and causing them to die either by physical, chemical or biological means. It is often combined with physical cleaning, as it cannot penetrate the outer layer of the material itself.

There are many different types of disinfection available. There are many different ways of applying them and they are also found in many different environments. Some common applications of disinfectant include the kitchen and laundry, where dishes and countertops are frequently shared. In addition, medical settings may use a variety of disinfectant solutions including intravenous fluids and mouthwashes, where they are used to disinfect patients before and after surgery. They can also be applied to the skin to kill skin germs, to protect it from contact with wounds or cuts and for general disinfecting purposes. Some companies, like the American Society for Prevention of Salmonella, use disinfectants in their hospitals to kill bacteria found in the kitchen and other areas of the hospital that patients will come into contact with.

The process of disinfection is used in the food industry as well, since it can remove any bacteria present in food. Since food particles are easily contaminated by these bacteria, this is particularly important. Food preparation involves the constant contact between food particles and bacteria, and when these particles are not removed, they can cause outbreaks of disease and illness.